Unpacking Florida’s Concealed Carry Gun Laws




What You Really Should Know Before You Start Packing Heat In Florida 2024

In 2023, Florida changed its gun laws, allowing people to carry concealed weapons in public without a permit or training. This new rule took effect on July 1, 2023.. Ready for the specifics on the rules, regulations, and restrictions?

  1. Who can carry without a license: Any law-abiding resident of the United States who is 21 of age or older (18 or older for active-duty service members or honorably discharged veterans of the U.S. armed forces) can carry a concealed pistol in Florida as long as they meet most of the conditions needed to get a Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm License (CWFL).
  2. Training: There is no need to provide proof of training. Floridians understand that carrying a defensive firearm is a responsibility, so most seek professional training. This has always been the primary case and it will not change now.
  3. Open carry: The open carry of arms in Florida remains illegal with a few exceptions, such as camping, hunting, fishing, and traveling to and from a shooting range.
  4. CWFLs: Florida’s Concealed Weapon or Firearm License (CWFL) program will remain in place and is largely unaffected by the new law. Licensees are exempt from the state’s mandatory three-day waiting period to purchase a firearm and the federal Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1990.
  5. Background checks: Federal law still requires licensed firearm dealers to conduct a background check for every firearm transfer.
  6. Prohibited places: There are multiple locations where concealed firearms remain disallowed. These include areas identified as places of nuisance in accordance with Section 823.05, F.S., police stations, sheriff or highway patrol offices, detention centers, prisons, and jails. Also, courthouses, courtrooms, polling stations, and meetings of the county, public school district, municipality, or special district governing bodies are included. The list also comprises meetings of the Legislature or legislative committees, school, college, or professional sports events unrelated to firearms, and school administration buildings. Portions of establishments licensed to serve alcoholic beverages, elementary or secondary school facilities, technical centers, and college or university facilities are also included. Concealed firearms are also prohibited inside airport passenger terminals and sterile areas and in any location where federal law bans the carrying of firearms.

Further stipulations are in place, encompassing particular conditions that can disqualify a person from carrying a concealed firearm. These conditions include felony convictions unless the appropriate authority has reinstated civil and firearm rights. Also, individuals who have been committed to a mental institution or who have been legally declared incompetent or mentally unsound are disqualified. Those who have received an active injunction related to domestic violence or against repeated violent behavior are also excluded, among other conditions.

The new law has introduced some changes to school safety laws, including expanding the school guardian program to private schools, creating a standard behavioral threat assessment process, and establishing the Florida Safe Schools Canine Program, allowing firearms detection dogs in participating schools.

How many concealed weapons permits were issued in Florida in 2023?

  1. Florida eliminated its requirement for a concealed carry permit in 2023, becoming a “permitless carry” state. This means residents are no longer required to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm.
  2. After the permitless carry law went into effect in July 2023, the number of people applying for optional concealed carry permits dropped significantly – by about 64% compared to the same period a year earlier.
  3. As of late 2023, there were about 2.5 million people in Florida with concealed carry permits, according to state figures.
  4. Florida is still maintaining its system for issuing optional concealed carry permits, as they provide benefits like reciprocity with other states.

Given this information, it is clear that while the total number of permits issued in 2023 would be significantly lower than in previous years due to the new legislation, the exact figure is not available in the provided search results. To obtain the most current and precise number of concealed weapons permits issued in Florida in 2023, one must contact the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services or refer to their statistical reports, which are not included in the search results.

For further knowledge and to stay updated on this topic, you might want to follow the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, which maintains the program and issues new permits, or check out the latest news on concealed carry laws from the US Concealed Carry Association.

When Is It Against The Law In Florida To Carry A Gun?

Guns have always been a controversial topic, and for good reason. The idea of carrying a firearm around in public is terrifying to some, while others believe it’s necessary for self-defense.

No matter how strongly you feel about the subject, knowing when and where it’s illegal to carry a firearm in Florida is important. First and foremost, it’s illegal to carry a firearm in any school, college or university facility unless authorized by the school or institution.

This means that unless you’re a law enforcement officer or have received explicit permission from the school or college administration, carrying a firearm on your property is against the law. Additionally, carrying firearms in courthouses or courtrooms is illegal without prior approval from the presiding judge.

This makes a better deal of sense when you consider the fact that people could become very emotional during court proceedings, and introducing firearms into such an environment would be dangerous for everyone involved. It’s also illegal to carry firearms while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which again makes perfect sense – no one should be walking around with a deadly weapon if they’re not fully sober and aware of their surroundings.

How Do I Carry A Gun If I Don’t Have A Permit To Hide It?

Transporting a firearm without a concealed weapons permit can be a tricky issue in Florida. The Sunshine State has laws that mandate how firearms should be carried or transported, whether on your person or in your car. However, you don’t necessarily need a permit to transport firearms in Florida as long as you follow the state’s rules.

First of all, if you are transporting your gun to and from a shooting range or gun store, the firearm must not be readily accessible from the car’s passenger compartment. It should be unloaded and stored securely in the trunk of your vehicle or another location that is not easily accessible to anyone inside the car.

Some folk may consider this to be obvious, but I am amazed at how many gun owners in Florida think they can just toss their weapons on the back seat and drive off. Secondly, if you want to transport your firearm for hunting purposes or other lawful activities as stated by Florida law, it must be unloaded and secured in a case specifically made for transporting firearms.

You must place this case out of reach of anyone inside the vehicle’s passenger compartment while driving. The idea is that if pulled over by an officer during transport for lawful purposes such as hunting, there shouldn’t be any transport issues as long as all rules are followed correctly.

Even though you don’t need a concealed weapon permit to carry firearms within your vehicle in Florida, it doesn’t mean that every rule goes out the window when transporting them anywhere outside of home storage. If you want to stay on the right side of the law while carrying firearms in your car around town, make sure they remain locked up en route!

Could You Have A Gun In Your Home Without A License?

It is a fundamental right for every American citizen to possess firearms in their homes, and the same is true for Floridians. In Florida, individuals are allowed to keep guns in their houses without any license or permit.

This is one of the fundamental rights guaranteed by no less than the Second Amendment of our Constitution, which allows us to keep and bear arms. However, having guns in your house does come with some responsibilities.

People who own firearms must ensure that they are properly stored away from children and are only used for self-defense or hunting. Any negligent use of a firearm can lead to severe consequences, such as accidental injuries or death.

Furthermore, gun owners need to ensure that they have proper training on how to handle firearms safely. Owning a gun does not automatically make you an expert in using it; you need proper training to be able to use it more effectively and safely.

Therefore, I believe anyone who owns a firearm should attend basic firearm safety courses at least once to know the basics of how firearms work and how they should be handled safely. Every law-abiding American citizen has the right to keep guns in their homes without any license or permit as guaranteed by our Constitution’s Second Amendment but must also uphold its responsibilities in doing so.

Can You Acquire A Permit To Carry A Hidden Weapon In Florida If You Have A Misdemeanor On Your Record?

Having a misdemeanor on your record in Florida may not permanently disqualify you from obtaining a concealed weapons permit, but it will not help your chances. The due process of getting a concealed carry permit is highly stringent and requires a background check that will reveal even minor incidents such as traffic violations or petty misdemeanors. While most states have some level of leniency towards past misdemeanors, Florida does not make it easy.

In Florida, having any kind of criminal record or history can make the process of obtaining a concealed carry permit more difficult. Obtaining the permit is almost impossible if the misdemeanor is related to violence or firearms.

However, if the misdemeanor was non-violent, such as drug possession or theft under $300, there might still be a chance to obtain the permit provided the applicant has shown rehabilitation and no additional charges on their record. While this may seem reasonable to protect public safety, it can also be argued that this approach is overly harsh for minor offenses and denies individuals who have made mistakes in their past from exercising their right to bear arms.

It also creates an unnecessary hurdle for those who wish to carry guns legally but have made minor mistakes in their past, which should no longer hold them back from being responsible gun owners today. It’s time for Florida lawmakers to rethink these policies and consider granting more leniency to people with petty misdemeanors on their records who want nothing more than to protect themselves and their families with concealed firearms legally.

In Florida, Is A License Required To Transport A Firearm In A Car?

Carrying a firearm in your car without a permit is legal in Florida. However, To stay out of trouble with the law and avoid breaking any of the laws or regulations that are in place, one must always be sure to do what is required.

The firearm must be securely encased or stored in the vehicle’s closed glove compartment, console, or trunk. This means that simply throwing your gun on the passenger seat or keeping it under your seat is not enough to comply with the law.

Besides, it is fundamental to mention that carrying a loaded firearm in your car without a permit can still get you into trouble with the law. If you carry your firearm in your car without a permit, secure it is unloaded and separate it from any ammunition.

There have been numerous cases where individuals were pulled over for traffic violations and were charged with felony possession of a concealed weapon simply because they failed to follow these basic rules. It astounds me how many people believe that they are within their rights to carry a loaded gun around with them at all times just because they live in Florida.

Not only does this put them at risk of breaking the law and potentially facing serious legal consequences, but it also puts innocent bystanders at risk as well. It’s time for people to start taking responsibility for their actions and following the laws put in place for everyone’s safety.  

The Florida concealed carry gun laws are a hotly debated topic, with strong opinions on both sides. While some argue that these laws are necessary to protect citizens’ right to bear arms, others feel that they put innocent people at risk.

There are several restrictions and requirements for people who want to carry a firearm in Florida legally. Knowing the law and understanding your rights as a gun owner is important.

Whether you’re transporting your gun or carrying it on your person, ensure you’re doing so legally and responsibly. Ultimately, while there may be disagreements about how best to regulate firearms in Florida, we can all agree that safety should always be our top priority.

By respecting the law and practicing responsible gun ownership, we can work together to create a safer community for everyone. Let’s strive for common ground and find ways to protect our Second Amendment rights while ensuring our fellow Floridians’ safety.

Resources regarding Florida’s Concealed Carry Gun Laws:

  1. Florida’s new unlicensed concealed-carry law explained: This article from The Gun Writer provides a detailed explanation of the new concealed-carry law in Florida, including the requirements for carrying without a license, what constitutes a law-abiding citizen, whether there’s a training requirement and more.
  2. Florida’s gun laws: This webpage from U.S. Law Shield provides an overview of gun laws in Florida, including information about permitless carry, the process for obtaining a concealed weapons license, and restrictions on where firearms can be carried.
  3. Florida gun laws: This page from GunsToCarry offers an overview of gun laws in Florida, including detailed information about the concealed carry permit process, reciprocity with other states, and places where firearms are prohibited.